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Dollarizing Dreams: Examining the Trend of USD Reporting on ZSE


Feb 27, 2024

By Malvin Chidzonga

HARARE – The Zimbabwe Stock Exchange (ZSE) has witnessed a growing trend of listed companies switching their functional reporting currency from the Zimbabwe Dollar (ZWL) to the United States Dollar (USD). This shift, fueled by economic instability and currency volatility, raises crucial questions about transparency, comparability, and the future of the local currency.

Drivers of the Dollarization Trend:
Several factors are driving this phenomenon:
Hyperinflation: Zimbabwe’s history of hyperinflation, particularly before 2009, eroded confidence in the ZWL, leading companies to seek a more stable reporting currency.Multi-currency System: While officially abolished in 2019, the multi-currency system left its mark, with many businesses conducting transactions in USD for better price stability.Foreign Currency Dependence: Many Zimbabwean companies rely heavily on imported raw materials and equipment, making USD essential for their operations and financial reporting.Investor Preference: International investors often prefer financial statements presented in USD due to familiarity and risk mitigation in volatile environments.
Potential Benefits:
Proponents of USD reporting argue that it offers several advantages:
Improved Transparency: Using a stable currency like the USD can enhance the accuracy and transparency of financial statements, attracting more investors.

Enhanced Comparability: Reporting in USD facilitates comparisons with regional and international peers, improving investment analysis and decision-making.

Reduced Exchange Rate Volatility: USD reporting potentially mitigates the distorting effects of currency fluctuations on financial performance.

Easier Access to Capital: Companies adopting USD reporting might find it easier to access foreign capital and financing due to increased investor confidence.

Challenges and Concerns:
However, the shift to USD reporting also presents significant challenges:
Erosion of Local Currency Confidence: Widespread USD reporting could further undermine trust in the ZWL, hindering its adoption and potentially hindering local economic development.

Market Segmentation: Dual reporting, with some companies using USD and others sticking to ZWL, could create an uneven playing field and hinder fair comparisons.

Limited Access to USD: Not all companies have equal access to USD, potentially disadvantaging smaller players and creating an unlevel playing field.

Policy Inconsistency: Frequent policy changes and regulations regarding currency usage create uncertainty and make planning difficult for businesses.

Finding a Sustainable Path:
The current trend highlights the need for a nuanced approach that balances the immediate needs of companies with long-term considerations for Zimbabwe’s economic development. Here are some potential solutions:
Gradual Transition: A phased approach could allow companies to adapt while minimizing disruption and creating space for ZWL stabilization efforts.

Dual Reporting: Companies could report in both USD and ZWL to facilitate transparency and comparisons while acknowledging the multi-currency reality.

Strengthening the ZWL: Addressing the root causes of inflation and implementing sound economic policies are crucial for building trust in the local currency.

Leveling the Playing Field: Measures to improve access to foreign currency and ensure fair competition amongst companies reporting in different currencies are essential.

The trend of switching to USD reporting on the ZSE reflects the complex realities of Zimbabwe’s economic landscape. While it offers potential benefits for individual companies, its long-term implications for the local currency and broader economy deserve careful consideration. Finding a sustainable path requires a multi-pronged approach that prioritizes transparency, inclusivity, and the strengthening of the ZWL, ultimately enabling the ZSE to play a key role in Zimbabwe’s economic recovery.
Malvin Chidzonga – Chief Investment and Research Officer for Nivteil Capital 

By ETimes

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